
Kamis, 24 Juli 2014

16 kasiat buah persi

  • Buah persik adalah makanan ringan yang cocok dikonsumsi jika ingin menurunkan berat badan. Sebab buah ini rendah kalori dan tidak mengandung lemak.
  • Kandungan senyawa antioksidan di dalam buah persik ampuh memerangi penyakit yang dipicu dari obesitas, contohnya penyakit kardiovaskular.
  • Makan buah persik membuat kulit lebih sehat karena di dalamnya terdapat vitamin A dan C yang merupakan pelembap alami dari dalam.
  • Buah persik juga bermanfaat dalam menurunkan jumlah rambut rontok karena mampu menyehatkan kulit kepala.
  • Jika sedang cemas atau stres, jangan ragu makan buah persik. Pasalnya buah ini terkenal sebagai sebutan 'Buah Penenang' di Hungaria.
  • Senyawa bernama selenium dalam buah persik adalah salah satu agen anti kanker.
  • Buah persik mampu menyingkirkan cacing-cacing penyebab penyakit yang ada di dalam usus.
  • Buah persik juga memiliki efek diuretik yang membantu tubuh membersihkan ginjal dan kandung kemih.
  • Perut yang tidak nyaman bisa diredakan dengan mengonsumsi buah persik.
  • Sebuah komponen dalam biji buah persik ampuh melawan sindrom metabolisme.
  • Bagi penderita rematik, makan buah persik disarankan oleh para ahli untuk meredakan rasa sakit yang diderita.
  • Buah persik konon termasuk sebagai salah satu makanan yang bisa meningkatkan gairah seksual.
  • Bunga buah persik bisa dikonsumsi dengan cara merebusnya bersama dengan madu. Air rebusan kemudian dinikmati untuk menenangkan tubuh yang kelelahan.
  • Buah persik adalah anti mikroba dan kaya antioksidan yang menghambat pertumbuhan tumor.
  • Bronkitis akut, dan batuk bisa diredakan dengan cara merebus daun pohon buah persik dan dikonsumsi bersama teh.
  • Teh buah persik biasanya dipakai sebagai pembersih ginjal di China.

  • Itulah buah persik, makanan yang mengandung belasan manfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh.

    Buah persik pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh warga China. Menurut kepercayaan kuno mereka, buah persik merupakan simbol persahabatan dan kehidupan abadi. Terlepas dari kepercayaan tersebut, ternyata buah persik menyimpan belasan manfaat bagi kesehatan. Simak selengkapnya seperti yang dilansir dari Care2 berikut ini.

    Selasa, 22 Juli 2014

    3 Cara Alami untuk Mempercantik Bulu Mata

     see other news :
    1. Petroleum Jelly
    Agar bulu mata kuat dan tak mudah rontok, oleskan petroleum jelly pada bulu mata di malam hari sebelum tidur. Jika Anda memiliki bulu mata berwarna gelap, oleskan sedikit petroleum jelly atau lip balm sebagai pengganti masakara. Bulu mata tebal dan berkilau pun bisa jadi milik Anda.

    2. Minyak Alami
    Minyak alami seperti munyak zaitun dan minyak almon dapat merangsang pertumbuhan bulu mata, sehingga bulu mata Anda akan tumbuh lebih tebal dan lebih kuat. Untuk hasil yang maksimal, oleskan minyak ini pada bulu mata setiap malam hari.

    3. Biotin
    Biotin atau vitamin B7 adalah suplemen makanan alami yang bisa memperkuat rambut dan kuku. Mengonsumsi vitamin ini dipercaya mampu merangsang pertumbuhan bulu mata. Selain kuat, bulu mata pun bisa tampak lebih tebal.

    Melakukan perawatan alami untuk bulu mata memang penting silahkan coba .

    cara menghilangkan kantung mata dengan 4 manfaat putih telur . dengan bahan alami

        see other news  

    Tentunya kita semua sudah sangat akrab dengan telur. Kita sering sekali memanfaatkan telur sebagai lauk makan kita sehari-hari. Telur merupakan sumber protein yang sangat baik  dan mengandung asam amino yang lengkap dibandingkan dengan makanan protein hewani lainnya seperti ikan, daging, ayam, tahu, tempe, dan lain-lain. Putih telur bisa dimasak terpisah untuk berbagai kepentingan, misalnya untuk membuat krim  atau kue.
    Dalam telur, terdapat dua bagian besar yakni putih telur dan kuning telur. Dua-duanya memiliki kandungan gizi yang baik. Untuk merawat wajah, bagian yang sering digunakan yakni putih telur karena memiliki beberapa keunggulan jika dibandingkan dengan kuning telur. Putih telur atau yang dikenal dengan nama albumin sarat akan protein dan tidak mengandung lemak.
    Putih telur memiliki manfaat untuk mengangkat kulit mati pada wajah sehingga wajah menjadi lebih bersih dan cerah. Selain itu masih banyak manfaat putih telur untuk merawat wajah Anda, yakni sbb :

    Mengencangkan dan Melembabkan kulit Wajah

    Putih telur memberikan rasa kencang pada kulit wajah dan membuat pori-pori wajah menjadi lebih kecil. Campurkan satu sendok teh putih telur dengan satu sendok teh madu serta satu sendok teh minyak zaitun.
    Usapkan pada wajah dan leher hingga kering. Setelah itu bilas dengan air hangat. Jika dilakukan secara rutin maka pori-pori wajah akan mengecil. Cara ini juga bisa membuat kulit Anda lembut.
    Cara lain yang bisa Anda lakukan yakni dengan mengocok putih telur hingga sedikit berbusa. Lalu, usapakan pada wajah langsung dan selanjutnya bilas dengan air hangat.

    Menghilangkan Kantong Mata

    Sering tidur larut atau terlalu banyak beraktivitas bisa menyebabkan mata lelah dan berkantung. Hal ini tentu saja bisa mempengaruhi kacantikan Anda. Untuk mengatasinya oleskan putih telur tipis pada kantong mata dan biarkan hingga 10 menit atau hingga kering. Setelah itu bilas..

    Melawan Iritasi Kulit

    Masker telur sangat cocok untuk mengobati iritasi kulit. Hal ini karena telur mengadung asam amino guna mengurangi peradangan kulit. Kandungan protein yang tinggi juga cukup bagus untuk wajah. Untuk melawan iritasi kulit pada tubuh campurkan putih telur dengan sabun mandi Anda. Secara alami, kulit yang teriritasi akan sembuh.

    Merawat Keindahan dan Kesehatan Rambut

    Untuk perawatan rambut, gunakan putih telur yang dicampur dengan ar dan diaplikasikan langsung ke rambut seperti memakai cem-ceman atau hair tonic. Untuk masker rambut, kocok telur hingga mengembang atau hingga berbusa putih kaku dan diusapkan ke rambut lalu dibilas.
    Tidak sulit bukan untuk merawat wajah dengan putih telur? Selain mudah, cara ini juga murah dan sedikit memiliki dampak negatif pada wajah karena minimnya bahan kimia yang digunakan. Selamat Mencoba. (Cream Herbal)

    how to remove eye bags with 4 egg whites benefit. with natural ingredients


    Egg White Benefits for Beauty, beauty skin, hair beauty tips, natural facial masks, the benefits of egg white masks, herbal cream Bogor, anisa cream skin care, face care for the natural herbal ingredients,

    Egg White Benefits for Beauty, beauty skin, hair beauty tips, natural facial masks, white masks telurTentunya benefits all of us are very familiar with the eggs. We often utilize egg as a side dish we eat everyday.

    Eggs are an excellent source of protein and contains a complete amino acid compared to other animal protein foods such as fish, meat, chicken, tofu, tempeh, and others. Egg whites can be cooked separately for various purposes, for example to make a cream or cake.

    In the egg, there are two major parts of the egg white and egg yolk. Both of them have good nutritional content. To treat the face, which is often used namely the egg white because it has several advantages when compared with egg yolk. Egg white or known by the name of albumin loaded with protein and contains no fat.

    Egg whites have benefits to remove dead skin on the face so the face becomes clean and bright. In addition there are many benefits of egg whites to treat your face, which is as follows:
    Moisturize skin tightening and face

    The egg white gives a sense of taut facial skin and make pores become smaller. Mix one teaspoon of egg white with a teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of olive oil.

    Apply on the face and neck until dry. After that, rinse with warm water. If done regularly, the pores will shrink. This method can also make your skin soft.

    Another way you can do that is to whisk the egg white until slightly frothy. Then, usapakan directly on the face and then rinse with warm water.
    Eliminate Eye Bags

    Often sleep late or too much activity can cause eye fatigue and marsupial. This of course can affect your kacantikan. To overcome the thin egg white dab of eye bags and leave for up to 10 minutes or until dry. After that, rinse ..
    Against Skin Irritation

    Egg mask is suitable for treating skin irritations. This is because the egg mengadung amino acids to reduce inflammation of the skin. High protein content is also quite good for the face. To fight against skin irritation on the body with the egg white mix your soap. Naturally, irritated skin will heal.
    Caring for Hair Beauty and Health

    For hair care, use egg whites mixed with ar and applied directly to the hair such as wearing cem-Ceman or hair tonic. For hair masks, beat eggs until fluffy or white until stiff and frothy rubbed into the hair and rinsed.

    Not difficult not to treat the face with egg whites? In addition to easy, it is also cheap and have little negative impact on the face due to the lack of chemicals used. Good luck. (Herbal Cream)

    Senin, 21 Juli 2014

    Ciri-ciri Gejala Penyakit Jantung Dan Tips Cara Mencegah Sakit Jantung Juga Bagaimana Cara Mengobati/Pengobatan Secara Alami atau Tradisional.

    Ciri-ciri Gejala Penyakit Jantung Dan Tips Cara Mencegah Sakit Jantung Juga Bagaimana Cara Mengobati/Pengobatan Secara Alami atau Tradisional.

    Penyakit Jantung

    1. Gejala sesak nafas

    Bila anda mengalami pernafasan yang tidak stabil alias sesak nafas, waspadalah. Biasanya yang terkena penyakit asma. Akan tetapi serangan sesak nafas merupakan salah satu gejala dari penyakit jantung. Penjelasannya adalah apabila ada penyakit jantung kadang – kadang ada cairan yang masuk ke dalam rongga paru – paru, maka sangat mengganggu udara ketika masuk ke paru – paru hingga akhinya mengalami sesak nafas. Apabila ketika tidur atau berisitrahat, anda mengalami sesak nafas, maka anda termasuk kedalam kategori penyakit jantung kronis atau tingkat lanjut.

    2. Sering pusing bahkan pingsan

    Bila anda sering mengalami pusing dikepala hingga akhirnya pingsan, maka itu adalah salah satu gejala penyakit jantung. Umumnya, para penderita penyakit jantung mengalami hal itu. Hal ini akibat dari sistem kerja otot jantung yang mulai melemah sehingga darah yang dipompa tidak bekerja secara normal dan pasokan darah ke seluruh bagian tubuh menjadi kacau.

    3. Sering mengalami nyeri

    Bila anda mengalami nyeri dibagian tubuh tertentu, biasanya disebabkan suplai pasokan darah mengalami kekurangan dibeberapa bagian tubuh. Sehingga tubuh mengalami kram atau nyeri. Selain itu, dibagian dada juga mengalami nyeri setiap hari. Bila anda mengalami gejala ini segera periksa ke dokter.

    4. Jantung sering berdebar-debar atau disebut Palpitasi.

    Gejala yang satu ini patut di waspadai juga.Gejala jantung sering berdegup kencang tanpa alasan sering muncul anda harus periksa ke dokter secepatnya. Biasanya gejala ini dibarengi dengan gejala penyakit lainnya.

    5. Gampang lelah dan pening

    Bila badan sering lemah biasanya ada pasokan darah ke dalam tubuh tidak bekerja secara normal. Agar kinerja jantung anda tidak melemah alangkah baiknya periksa secara rutin dan berolah raga yang ringan. Hindari kebiasaan buruk seperti minuman keras, candu, merokok atau lainnya. Selain itu imbangilah dengan gaya hidup sehat dengan makan berbahan alami.

    6. Gangguan pencernaan

    Dalam satu studi diketahui wanita dua kali lebih mungkin mengalami muntah, mual dan gangguan pencernaan selama beberapa bulan menjelang serangan jantung dibanding pria. Kondisi ini terjadi karena sumbatan lemak di arteri akan mengurangi suplai darah ke jantung yang biasanya terjadi di dada kadang bisa muncul di perut.


    Nah itulah ciri gejala penyakit jantung dan jenis-jenis penyakit jantung, serta bagaimna tips cara mengobati sakit jantung dengan alami, baca juga artikel kesehatan tentang manfaat kulit manggis.

    Drug For Our Bodies

    Senin, 21 Juli 2014

    Drug For Our Bodies

                                                                                                                                                                           The dangers of drugs to our bodies

    Clinical studies of the drug showed that patients with clinical manifestations of patients taking narcotics primarily by inhaling and injecting narcotics is a fever in about 75% to 100% of cases, accompanied exhausted in 30% of cases. Obtained weight loss drugs are decreased in about 10-15% of cases. Shortness of breath occurs in about 10% of the cases studied.

    Physical examination of patients found strong narcotic pneumonia accompanied by enlargement of the spleen, heart disease, liver damage or kidney damage, At one stage, the patient came in a state of shock due to overdose or organ damage mentioned above .. The symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of strep lung (Broncho pneumonia), tuberculosis, heart failure, rheumatic fever, or the spread of germs in the blood. The final phase for drug users who use injection drugs are exposed to HIV / AIDS must be aware of when we have to come twice treated patients with similar symptoms accompanied by signs of drug use.
    Treatment of patients with pneumonia should be accompanied with narcotic dependence treatment against narkotiknya. There were no significant difficulties in treating disorders suffered rays. In order to treat dependency narkotiknya, I immediately contacted the wife and her parents and communicate in order to refer the patient to one of the drug treatment in Jakarta.

    From the study, several individual factors such as curiosity and want to try, can not act firmly against bid friend, a lack of confidence, unrealistic perception as well as various other reasons can cause a person to wear a narcotic. In addition, environmental factors such as substance addiction easily obtained over the last 5 years, communication -isteri parents - children who are ineffective and not harmonious, peer pressure / group and various other environmental factors, making it try to use narcotics. Therefore, all parents should be wary if there is a change in his attitude or the frequent occurrence of the disease in children.
    Case-case like Toni apparently continue to grow in Indonesia every day, even if society continues to promote the deterrence of drug and have no law - Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Act to deal with it so that the condition is now properly called a national disaster. Indonesia's economic condition is tough and easy to earn money through the illicit trade has blinded most mem- bers community groups and a handful of rogue officers / officials so that they do not care about the mental destruction of Indonesian society. The experts estimate that opium users in Indonesia is 100 times more than patients detected coming on-site service / hospital / caught by the police. May we all be aware of the dangers of drug use for our society.

    Release Yourself from the Effects of Drugs

    PROBLEM narcotics, psychotropic drugs, and other addictive substances (drugs) is not the monopoly of a single country. Almost in every country, both developed and developing countries, have such problems. A wide variety of methods are used by the respective state governments to "crack down" drug of their ground, but there is no single country that has managed to beat the record of the great enemy.
    Australia, as a developed country that is located not too far from the Golden Triangle region did not escape from the problem. Even Australia was facing the problem of dependence on tobacco and alcohol. The impact, very unusual and makes the Australian Government stunned.
    Based on recent calculations estimated in 1998, approximately 22,500 people will die as a direct or indirect result of the use of dangerous drugs. Approximately 17,500 Australians are hospitalized due to circumstances caused by the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs (Australian Bureau of Intelligence, 1999).
    In the late 1990s it is almost certain that one in five deaths in Australia associated with drug use (Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy, 1998).
    In the 1960s in Australia began a change in the pattern of drug use, ie the number of illegal narcotics supply and the increasing number of young people taking drugs. At the time that drug use began synonymous with youth.
    The fact is very surprising Australian society, and in the early 1970s they began to admit, they have a drug problem. Moreover, the reality shows, the increasing number of illegal drug use causes increase in criminal cases, and declining health standards.
    Increased attention and public awareness about the issue, urged the Australian Government to protect the public and tackling drug problems. Costs for increased law enforcement efforts in number, and more severe penalties for the supplier and the user enters into force.
    Indeed, previous prevention efforts tend to be focused on providing a warning to the public about the dangers of drug use. Shock and fear tactics used in Australian media, to make young people have a fear of the drug. But the campaign did not produce satisfactory results.
    Young people continue to experiment with drugs and drug usage statistics continue to climb. Prevention of anti-drug campaigns and school education programs do not work to change the behavior of drug use in young people, and prevent their problems related to drugs.
    ALTHOUGH there has been a policy of prevention, supplier of market mechanisms and demand of illegal drugs is still increasing, especially among young people. Crime increases with increasing number of drug users and the availability of illegal drugs. Prohibition for a decade of action aimed at wiping out the drug business, rising drug prices, and the prevention of further drug use, it does not bring results in Australia. With bertam-bahnya number of young people who are victims of drug use, the public and governments are increasingly aware of the need for a more integrated policy approach to tackling the drug problem.
    Although the prevention of drug use through education in schools in Australia had begun in the 1970s, new in the mid-1980s was the prevention effort started correctly. Since the availability of Commonwealth funding for basic prevention strategies and education about drugs, programs in schools to increase both the quality and Australia have embarked on an anti-drug prevention campaigns are very good.
    In 1985, Australia radically change the direction of policy on the drug, became joint policies minimize the danger. Apparatus requires effort minimize the danger of health, education, courts, and law enforcement to work together at the national level and the state level.
    The main objective of the partnership was to minimize the harmful effects of drug use in Australian society. Minimize the danger of business is a combination of supply reduction (law enforcement) and demand reduction (education), to reduce the impact of drug use on the health, social, and economic and community to the wearer.
    Since the mid 1980s, the National Campaign Against Drug Abuse is involved in a national effort to minimize the harmful result of pamakaian drug in Australia. The campaign was involved in the development and implementation of various strategies to reduce the desire, the demand and need for drugs.
    With the help of the Drug Offensive, the Commonwealth, in collaboration with state / territory, community organizations, drug and alcohol agencies, and officials Educational Links jointly develop a campaign for the community, public health and education programs in schools.
    SINCE this campaign, officially Australia uses three approaches to tackling the problem of drug use. The first reduction of supply (supply reduction), reduction in demand (demand reduction), and harm reduction (harm reduction). The first and second program has been carried out for years, but did not produce satisfactory results. Australia finally decided to also do a third program, namely the reduction of the danger, and the results are very satisfactory.
    For the reduction of supply, Australia tighten access restrictions to obtain drugs. For example, to get the drug legally, apply age restrictions, restrictions on the use of, and restrictions on the place of purchase. As for illegal drugs, Australia also do annihilation drug production, farmers who planted drugs dragged into court, and do crop substitution programs.
    Substitution of this plant is a campaign that farmers would replace his drug crops with other crops such as coffee and cocoa. The program is less desirable because of the money farmers dida-
    pat of drug plants is much greater than the replacement plants. While the program is still accompanied by the prevention and repression of acts committed by the law.
    Across the states and territories, Australia did demand reduction programs. The program is run in the path of education, in community health centers, and rehabilitation of the drug dependency. On drug prevention education programs, Australia has realized that the way to frighten not effective for the users. The information disseminated in various forms about the dangers of drugs are also less effective. While the approach with peers, felt-right does not solve the problem.
    Harm reduction programs aim to limit or reduce the dangers of drug use. Ba-danger-danger arising among other health problems, social costs, and economic costs. The principle of harm reduction programs are short-term pragmatic goals. This program will involve drug users hierarchy to run the risk.
    Hierarchy of risk means, first invite drug users not to use drugs again. Secondly, if they could not, so had to use drugs, do not use injection drugs. Third, if forced to use a syringe, always use new, sterile needles and syringes for air or other injecting equipment.
    Fourth, if no rum ja-new, sterile syringes or needles must be shared, always disinfect the syringe before each use.
    There are several strategies for reducing the harm Australia. Among others, providing needle exchange programs, provide various types of treatment, outreach (outreach) pharmacotherapy, and programs to achieve the termination of drug use.
    The results achieved from the 'marriage' three attempts this reduction was very amazing. In cities that run needle exchange programs showed HIV rates declined by 5.8 percent per year. While the cities are not doing needle exchange programs showed an increase in HIV was 5.9 percent per year.
    In Sydney in the late 1980s has the number of HIV among injecting drug users (Injecting Drug Users / IDU) of 3-5 percent. After doing needle exchange programs, methadone programs, and outreach in the years 1987-1988, the rate of HIV among IDUs is less than 4 percent. Whereas in 1996 the figure was down to less than 3 percent.
    Evaluation of needle exchange programs suggests, this program is able to save about 3,000 lives in 1991 alone. Only it costs 400 Australian dollars for each lives saved. But this is nothing compared to the cost of cost-saving of 300 million Australian dollars per year for HIV.
    From this evaluation also showed that needle exchange programs do not lead to an increase in the number of IDUs and drug use.

    merawat rambut dengan bahan alami

    Untuk itu, mari simak ulasan mengenai cara merawat rambut secara alami menggunakan berbagai bahan alam.
    1. Kemiri
    Salah satu bumbu dapur ini memiliki fungsi untuk menyuburkan rambut. Caranya, cukup dengan membakar beberapa buah kemiri hingga mengeluarkan minyak. Kemudian, tumbuk kemiri hingga halus lalu oleskan secara merata pada kulit kepala. Diamkan selama 1 hingga 2 jam lalu bilas hingga bersih. Tidak hanya mampu menyuburkan rambut, kemiri juga berfungsi memperkuat rambut serta membuat rambut lebih hitam.
    2. Santan kelapa
    Sejak dahulu, santan kelapa digunakan oleh nenek moyang kita sebagai bahan pencuci rambut bersamaan dengan merang padi yang sudah dibakar, mengingat di jaman dahulu belum banyak orang yang menggunakan shampo. Santan kelapa, dapat berguna untuk mencegah kerontokan rambut dan membuat rambut menjadi semakin halus. Caranya, oleskan santan kelapa secara merata pada rambut dan kulit kepala sambil dipijat agar meresap. Diamkan selama 20 menit, lalu bilas hingga bersih.
    3. Lidah buaya
    Lidah buaya sudah terkenal memiliki khasiat ampuh untuk menyuburkan rambut. Caranya, ambil lidah buaya yang masih segar, tumbuk hingga halus dan mengeluarkan lendir. Oleskan secara merata pada rambut dan kulit kepala. Tutup rambut menggunakan handuk atau plastik, diamkan semalaman. Keesokan paginya, basuh rambut hingga bersih. Lakukan cara ini secara rutin, maka rambut anda dijamin akan tumbuh subur dan lebat.
    4. Madu
    Madu tidak hanya berfungsi menambah kesuburan rambut, tapi juga mampu membuat rambut lebih berkilau. Caranya, gunakan 2 hingga 3 sendok madu kemudian usapkan secara merata pada rambut dan kulit kepala. Lakukan secara rutin, maka anda akan mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan.
    Mudah bukan untuk melakukannya? Memiliki rambut yang sehat, indah dan berkilau tidaklah sulit. Cukup menggunakan cara merawat rambut secara alamidengan rutin, anda akan mendapatkan rambut yang indah dan memukau. Hasilnyapun tak kalah memuaskan dengan berbagai perawatan mahal yang ditawarkan salon. Selamat mencoba.

    Here I Will Explain Bios Setting the Standard.
    1 Standard CMOS Setup
    Menu to set the default BIOS setup configuration, such as setting the date, time, hard disk, floppy disk, and so on.

    Menu to set the configuration of the facilities provided by the BIOS, such as: preventing viruses, determining the initial boot, speeding up the boot, and so on.
    Virus Warning
    Serves to detect and prevent the spread of the virus. (select "disabled")
    CPU Internal Cache
    Enable and disable function (enable / disable) the CPU Internal Cache (cache-memory level 1) which is in the processor as a container for temporary data will be processed by the processor. (select "enabled")
    External Cache
    Works to increase system performance. (select "enabled"). With these options the system will use other existing cache memory on the system to accommodate the temporary data to be processed by the processor.
    Quick Power On Self Test
    Check the functioning of computer components when doing a cold boot. When selecting "disabled", the computer will make the process much longer, such as checking the memory up to three times. Select "enabled", so computers make the process shorter and faster
    Boot Sequence
    Serves to determine the order of the boot process. Choose "C Only". so that the computer boots from the hard drive only. If the boot sequence starts from the floppy disk drive, set it to "A
    Swap Floppy Drive
    A function to swap the position of the drive and the drive B. If you select "enabled", drive A will be drive B, and vice versa. If a computer only has the drive, choose "disabled" as the safer option.
    Boot Up Floppy Seek
    Function knows the type of track that is used by disk drives. Select "disabled" to speed up the boot.
    Boot Up Numlock Status
    Numlock key function activates when the computer is booted. Select "on" to activate the BIOS extended at-keyboard numlock at boot time. You can also select the "off".
    Boot Up System Speed
    Function determines the state of the computer on boot up. Choose "high", so that computers make the process faster.
    Security Option
    Function to determine when the password is activated. If you select "Setup", the computer will ask for the password in the BIOS-setup is run. And if you select "System", the computer will ask for a password every time the computer boots. Configure security options to suit your needs.
    OS Selector for Dram> 64 MB
    Serves to determine the configuration of the mem

    Submitted by farah on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 11:11
    Bagaimana Cara Memilih Produk Pemutih Kulit yang Aman?
    Kini memiliki kulit putih bukanlah impian semata. Banyak sekali produk perawatan kulit yang memproduksi produk pemutih kulit dalam bentuk lulur atau body scrub, body lotion, sabun mandi, dan sebagainya.
    - See more at: